Articles and Press
Athlete Ambassador to Pakistan and the United States – Tennis Pro Hassan Akmal Survives Afghanistan Experience and Continues to be a Leader
AKMAL, The Power of Poise - Public Health Professional Launches Non-Profit Campaign for Multiple Rehabilitation Center for Handicapped Children in India
Beauty and Goodness in the Making: Hassan Akmal, M.P.H., Columbia University, a Financial Advisor by Day, Philanthropist by Night, Builds Socially Responsible Affinity Group
"To Be the Most Complete": Hassan Akmal, M.P.H., M.B.A., Launches a New Umbrella Organization Called INVITATION for Peace, Human Development and Assistance
How To Be A Career Mastermind™ Book Release
Winner of Alva Cooper Award: Best Practices in Career Services
Founded in 1960 with 49 charter members, MNYCCPOA’s membership has grown to approximately 300 strong including NYU and other career centers at Columbia University.
The Career Design Lab’s “Career Week 2018: The Future of Work” conference was recognized by the Metropolitan New York College Career Planning Officers Association (MNYCCPOA) committee members. The purpose of the award is to recognize the outstanding work of members of MNYCCPOA and to foster the mission of promoting professional growth, and exchanging ideas, information and creative solutions concerning career development issues.
In the spirit of the award, and part of the application, we were asked to formally suggest how the funds will be used. The Career Design Lab, in the spirit of continuous improvement, elected to propose a new professional development series entitled “Ten Talks” for the Career Design Lab team. This series will focus on preparing our team to become future leaders in our field. Ten topics with key guest speakers that are distinguished leaders in career services will be aligned. The presentations will be focused and targeted towards manifesting positive change and developing transformational talent in a new breed of professionals that the field needs and demands.
The series will culminate in a “Future of Career Services” symposium held on February 9 of Career Week 2019. This symposium, we hope, will include invitations to the local community and faculty both inside Columbia University and externally, including other higher education institutions across the United States.